We are a community of hope-filled believers who strive to share the love and hope of Jesus in our neighborhoods, surrounding areas and throughout the world. At Hopewell, we partner with a number of missionaries and organizations reaching the world with the Word of God.
The gospel brings gladness to the nations and hope for the oppressed. (Psalm 67) Jesus was sent to this world by God our heavenly Father. We are His messengers wherever He sends us.
Global Missions
Mic Ruffner, Steve Lusky, Clark McHenry and John Ames
Lauren Fretz, Karen Ames, Patty Lusky and Andrea McHenry
Local Outreach
Darrel Martin, Dorlee Martin, Marian Gehman, Melissa Koehler,
Beth Haines, Jamie Orman, Lisa Mohler, Gary Mohler
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20, CSB
Our Global Missionary Partners
John and Karen Ames serve with Converge International Ministries as missionaries to Sub-Saharan Africa. Converge is "asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group worldwide in our generation." As former missionaries to Ivory Coast in West Africa, where they served for 16 years, they are now in a regional capacity building a team of leaders to start and strengthen churches and send missionaries. Their focus is primarily with national leaders seeking to multiply churches among the unreached.
For more information, visit converge.org/missionary/john-karen-ames.